VUNU Mixtape #01: Music From The Openings
In VUNU Gallery there is no art without music. Especially at exhibition openings. So we put together a playlist of more than 150 songs. Listen to 10 hours of music that we used to play at our vernissages.
vernissage noun, [ ver-nuh-sahzh; French ver-nee-sazh ]
1. also called varnishing day. the day before the opening of an art exhibition traditionally reserved for the artist to varnish the paintings.
2. a reception at a gallery for an artist whose show is about to open to the public.
VUNU Gallery, photo: Tibor Czitó
I always used to curate every vernissage playlist context-sensitive to exhibition itself. There is always some new music, weird music but also chart toppers and classics. Different moods and genres. Just like in art. When I checked all these songs we played in the last year I saw some names were repeating. It was mainly Yves Tumor, JPEGMAFIA, Frank Ocean and Blood Orange. I can't help myself I just adore them.
Nikolas Bernath, curator of VUNU Gallery
Yves Tumor, Devonté Hynes, Frank Ocean, JPEGMAFIA
photo: Jordan Hemingway, Wolfgang Tillamans, Petra Collins, Danny Lane